Drama Kids Lower Primary*, Woolton

St James Church Hall, Church Road South, Woolton Village, Liverpool, L25 7RJ

Class TypeDrama Kids Lower Primary*
Day of the WeekFriday
Start Time5.00pm
Duration1 hour
Minimum Age4 years
Maximum Age9 years
Next Session07 Mar 2025

This class is held on a Friday 5-6pm at St James Church in Woolton Village. 

To book directly contact the Principal Tracy Shirley at

liverpool@dramakids.co.uk or 07908811159

Through structured one hour lesson plans, the Academy helps children to improve confidence, develop language skills, build self-esteem, all whilst having lots of fun and making new friends.


We offer a two week trial at £20. After the TWO WEEKS the remaining fee is due. 

After completing one full term there is an option to pay monthly. Fees for a full term are £112

We also offer sibling discounts 

Booking Options